Mani in Cambridge 3, Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge, 2024. Organizer: Samuel N.C. Lieu (samuel.lieu@mq.edu.au).
11th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Istanbul, 2026.
10th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Aarhus University, 8–11 August 2022.
Mani in Cambridge 2, Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge, UK, 13–15 March 2020.
Manichaeism in Egypt: The Medinet Madi Library after 90 Years, Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 18–20 October 2019.
Mani in Cambridge, A Day-Symposium on Manichaean Studies, Ancient India and Iran Trust, Cambridge, UK, 25 March 2017.
Biblia Manichaica Project – Workshop II, Roma, Università degli Studi “La Sapienza”, 17–18 June 2014.
Manichaeism and Early Christianity, organized at the University of Pretoria in close cooperation with the International Association of Manichaean Studies (IAMS), Pretoria, 21–23 March 2019.
Johannes van Oort (ed.), Manichaeism and early Christianity. Selected papers from the 2019 Pretoria congress and consultation, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies 99 (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2020).
9th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Turin, 11–15 September 2017.
Enrico Morano, Samuel N.C. Lieu & Nils A. Pedersen (eds.), Manichaica Taurinensia, CFM, Analecta Manichaica 2 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2022).
“Ils disent que…”. La controverse religieuse zoroastriens et manichéens, Symposium on the Zoroastrian and Manichaean religious controversy, Collège de France, Paris, 12–13 June, 2015.
Flavia Ruani & Mihaela Timuş (eds.), Quand les dualistes polémiquaient: Zoroastriens et manichéens, Orient & Méditerranée 34 (Leuven–Paris–Bristol, Ct: Peeters, 2020).
Arbeitstagung “Eine untergegangene Weltreligion: der Manichäismus im Spiegel seiner Buch- und Schriftkultur”, Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, Kommission “Manichäische Studien”, Societas Uralo-Altaica, Historisches Gebäude der SUB Göttingen, 11–12 March 2015.
Zekine Özertural & Gökhan Şilfeler (eds.), Der östliche Manichäismus im Spiegel seiner Buch- und Schriftkultur. Vorträge des Göttinger Symposiums vom 11./12. März 2015, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, N.F. 47; Schriften der Kommission „Manichäische Studien“, Bd 4 (Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2018).
Les femmes dans le manichéisme occidental et oriental, International Conference, University of Paris Sorbonne, 27–28 June 2014.
Madeleine Scopello (ed.), Women in western and eastern Manichaeism. Selected papers from the international conference Les femmes dans le manichéisme occidental et oriental held in Paris, University of Paris Sorbonne, 27-28 June 2014, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 101 (Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2022).
Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan: Ancient Contexts, Traditions and Influences, International Conference, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München, 6–8 June 2014.
Matthew Goff, Loren T. Stuckenbruck & Enrico Morano (eds.), Ancient Tales of Giants from Qumran and Turfan. Contexts, Traditions, and Influences, WUNT 360 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2016).
8th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, 9–13 September 2013.
Samuel N. C. Lieu (ed.) in association with Erica Hunter, Enrico Morano & Nils A. Pedersen, Manichaeism East and West, Corpus Fontium Manichaeorum, Analecta Manichaica 1 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2017).
Augustine and Manichaean Christianity. First South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 24–26 April 2012.
Johannes van Oort (ed.), Augustine and Manichaean Christianity: selected papers from the first South African Conference on Augustine of Hippo, University of Pretoria, 24–26 April 2012, Nag Hammadi Manichaean studies 83 (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2013).
Arbeitstagung “Vom Syrischen zum Alttürkischen, Fragen zur Übersetzung von manichäischen Texten”, Göttingen, 29–30 September 2011.
Jens Peter Laut & Klaus Röhrborn (eds.), Vom Aramäischen zum Alttürkischen. Fragen zur Übersetzung vom manichäischen Texten, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, N.F. 29 (Berlin & New York: De Gruyter, 2013).
Arbeitstagung “Gattungsgeschichte des manichäischen Schrifttums”, Göttingen, 4–5 March 2010.
Zekine Özertural & Jens Wilkens (eds.), Der östliche Manichäismus – Gattungs- und Werkgeschichte. Vorträge des Göttinger Symposiums vom 4./5. März 2010, Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen, N. F., 17 (Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, 2011).
7th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Dublin, 8–12 September 2009.
Siegfried Richter, Charles Horton & Klaus Ohlhafer (eds.), Mani in Dublin. Selected papers from the Seventh International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies in the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin, 8–12 September 2009, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean Studies 88 (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2015).
Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit, Ehrencolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Werner Sundermann, Berlin, 30.–31. März 2006.
Desmond Durkin-Meisterernst, Christiane Reck & Dieter Weber (eds.), Literarische Stoffe und ihre Gestaltung in mitteliranischer Zeit. Kolloquium anlässlich des 70. Geburtstages von Werner Sundermann, Beiträge zur Iranistik 31 (Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2009).
6th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Flagstaff, Arizona USA, 1–5 August, 2005.
Jason BeDuhn (ed.), New light on Manichaeism. Papers from the Sixth International Congress on Manichaeism, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies 64 (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2009).
Society of Biblical Literature, Manichaean Studies Seminar, Toronto, Ontario, 2002 and Atlanta, Georgia 2003.
Jason BeDuhn & Paul Mirecki (eds.), Frontiers of faith. The Christian encounter with Manichaeism in the Acts of Archelaus, Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies 61 (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2007).
5th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Naples, 2–8 September 2001.
Aloïs van Tongerloo in collaboration with Luigi Cirillo (eds.), Quinto Congresso Internazionale di Studi sul Manicheismo. Atti. Il Manicheismo. Nuove prospettive della ricerca. Dipartimento di Studi Asiatici, Università degli Studi di Napoli “L‘Orientale”, Napoli, 2–8 Settembre 2001, Manichaean studies 5 (Lovanii & Neapoli: Brepols, 2005).
Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West – International Symposium, Fribourg 8–11 July 1998.
Johannes van Oort, Otto Wermelinger & Gregor Wurst (eds.), Augustine and Manichaeism in the Latin West. Proceedings of the Fribourg–Utrecht International Symposium of the International Association of Manichaean studies (IAMS), Nag Hammadi Manichaean studies 49 (Leiden & Boston: E. J. Brill, 2001; 2012).
4th International Conference of the International Association of Manichaean Studies, Berlin 14–18 July 1997.
Ronald E. Emmerick, Werner Sundermann & Peter Zieme (eds.), Studia Manichaica. IV. Internationaler Kongress zum Manichäismus, Berlin, 14.–18. Juli 1997, Berichte und Abhandlungen; Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften: Sonderband 4 (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2000).
International Symposium for Manichaean Studies organized in Louvain,
31 July–3 August, 1991.
Alois van Tongerloo in collaboration with Johannes van Oort (eds.), The Manichaean NOUS. Proceedings of the International Symposium organized in Louvain from 31 July to 3 August 1991, Manichaean studies 2 (Lovanii: Brepols, 1995).
The Third International Conference, Arcavacata di Rende – Amantea,
31 August–5 September, 1993.
Luigi Cirillo & Alois van Tongerloo (eds.), Atti del Terzo Congresso Internazionale di Studi ‘Manicheismo e Oriente Cristiano Antico’, Manichaean studies 3 (Turnhout: Brepols, 1997).
The Second International Conference, St. Augustin/Bonn, 6–10 August, 1989.
Gernot Wießner & Hans-Joachim Klimkeit (eds.), Studia Manichaica. II. Internationaler Kongreß zum Manichäismus, 6.–10. August 1989, St. Augustin/Bonn, Studies in Oriental Religions, 23 (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1992).
The First Conference, Lund, 5–9 August, 1987.
Peter Bryder (ed.), Manichaean Studies. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Manichaeism, August 5–9, 1987, Department of History of Religions, Lund University, Sweden (Lund: Plus Ultra, 1988).